
A history of CECD from inception to 2018 is available here. Please visit our archived website for our past achievements from 1998 to 2015.

The ENME/ENES 467 undergraduate class

CECD’s Engineering for Social Change program was a partnership from 2015 to 2023 between the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland and The Neilom Foundation to offer a unique undergraduate course to introduce engineering students to the ideas of unintended consequences, societal impact and entrepreneurship through the intersection of concepts from both engineering and philanthropy. The vision of the course was to inculcate an appreciation of the impact that Engineering creates on society, and how not only for-profit enterprises but also philanthropy and non-profits act as catalysts. More than 500 students from across the engineering school and computer science were inspired to use their skills and mindset to practice entrepreneurship and pursue ideas that make a difference.